When driving in the month of June, the alien lupin can be seen in great colourful masses along certain of the roadways of Nova Scotia. While there as many as 90 species in North America, there are, according to Roland, two varieties of lupin are to be found in Nova Scotia: polyphyllus and nootkatensis. The polyphyllus has 10-17 leaflets which are widest at the middle, while the nootkatensis has but 6-9 leaflets and are widest near the tip. The flowers, blue, rosy-purple and white, grow in clusters of long tapering spikes. Poor sandy soil suits Lupines well. Being of the pea/bean family (leguminosae), the "seeds of Lupines are sometimes suggested as food, but they are poisonous to livestock; thus, it is doubtful if people should eat them." (MacLeod.)