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Pitcher Plant (Soldier's Drinking Cup, Side-Saddle Flower) (Sarracenia purpurea)

This carnivorous plant, the pitcher plant, will be found growing in sphagnum bogs. It is unique and cannot be missed as you walk along the established pathway. It has a single, nodding, dull purplish red flower. The flower rises on a leafless stalk clasped at the base by a rosette of heavy veined, dull red or green pitcher-like leaves which hold water. The flower is composed of five sepals with three little bracts and five blunt broad petals. Insects will find their way down into this leafed pitcher and usually will come to their end; but, in the process, supplies the needs of the picture plant by adding to the nutrient soup within the pitcher. The pitcher plant, incidentally, is the floral emblem of the province of Newfoundland.

An image of Pitcher Plant

An image of Pitcher Plant


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Peter Landry

2011 (2019)