Early Acadians & Nova Scotians:
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- Aulnay(d'), Charles de Menou (c.1604-1650):
- One of the feuding barons of Acadia.
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- Borgne: (See Le Borgne.)
- Biencourt de Saint-Just, Charles (1591-c1623):
- One of the original founders of Acadia.
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- Champlain, Samuel (1567-1635):
- The father of Canada.
- Charnisay:
- One of the original founders of Acadia, more commonly known as d'Aulnay.
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- Denys, Nicholas (1598-1688):
- Nicholas Denys was born at Tours in 1598. He came to Acadia in 1632. In 1653, Denys "was nominated by the Company of New France Governor of the whole coast of the bay of St Lawrence and the isles adjacent, from Cape Canso to Cape Rosiers." In 1669, retired to Nipisiquit (Bathurst, New Brunswick) where he turned writer turning out one of the first histories of Acadia, Historique des l'Amérique.
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- Frontenac, Buade de ..., et de Palluau, Louis de (1622-1698):
- "Frontenac is one of the "more turbulent and influential figures in the history of Canada." (DCB.) In the spring of 1672, Frontenac became the Governor of New France, ruling from Quebec.
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- Hébert, Louis (1575-1627):
- One of the original founders of Acadia.
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- La Tour, Charles (1595-c.1665):
- Charles La Tour was the son of Claude De Saint-Étienne de La Tour. Both father and son played prominent roles in the early developments of Acadia: the son more so than the father.
- La Tour, Claude (c.1570-1636+):
- See page on Claude's son, Charles La Tour.
- Le Borgne, Alexandre (1640-1693):
- The son of Emmanuel.
- Le Borgne, Emmanuel (1610-1675):
- The father of Alexandre.
- L'Escarbot, Marc: (1570-1629+):
- The first historian of Acadia.
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- Membertou, Chief Henri: (d.1611):
- Chief of the Port Royal Indians, a subset of the Micmac.
- Monts, Du Gua de ..., Pierre (c1558-1628):
- De Monts was the spark plug that brought the early french settlers to both Acadia and Quebec. An entrepreneur who had a feeling for the new world as a man of nature; he "assembled a collection of animals and birds, portraits of Indians, artifacts, and other curiosities ..."
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- Perrot, Francois-Marie (1644-91):
- The rough and ready French governor of Acadia, 1685-87.
- Phips, Sir William (1651-95):
- Carpenter, ship-builder, ship-captain, treasure-finder and knight of the English realm; it was Phips, in 1690, who laid siege to Port Royal and had the small French garrison holding that place surrender to him with false promises. After spending 12 days pillaging Port Royal, Phips went on to do the same at LaHeve, Chedabucto and all those French settlements at the head of the Bay of Fundy.
- Pontgravé, Francis Gravé, Sieur du Pont (c1554-c1629):
- Merchant, fur trader, and captain in the navy, Pontgravé was one of the original founders of Acadia.
- Poutrincourt, Jean de Biencourt, Seigneur de ... (1557-1615):
- Poutrincourt played a significant role, during the years 1604-1607, in the establishment and maintenance of the very first European establishment in Acadia, Port Royal.
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- Razilly, Isaac de (1587-1635):
- The father of Acadia.
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- Tour, La (1595-c.1665):
- One of the original founders of Acadia. One of the feuding barons of Acadia.
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- Villebon, Joseph Robineau de (1655-1700):
- The French governor of Acadia: 1690-1700.
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[The Lion & The Lily -- Book 1 (1500-1763)]
[Settlement, Revolution & War -- Book 2 (1760-1815)]
[The Road To Being Canada -- Book 3 (1815-1867)]
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Peter Landry
2012 (2020)