History of Nova Scotia

Significant Historical Happenings By Year: 1651-53.

§February 25th, 1651: By Letters Patent from the King of France, Charles La Tour is made governor and lieutenant-general of Acadia.
§September, 1651: La Tour returns to Acadia.
§Philippe Mius d'Entremont (b.1601), a direct ancestor of many Acadians including your compiler, comes from La Rochelle in 1651 to be a major-general in the forces commanded by Charles LaTour.

§War breaks out between England and the Netherlands.
§December, 1652: Lady d'Auley, having enlisted the help of a French nobleman, in order to maintain her position in Acadia, versus, La Tour and Denys, arranges through the royal court, by letters patent, to make Duke De Vendome, his heirs and assigns, a co-seignior of Acadia. The Duke didn't pay anything for this seigniory. (The matter was to be the subject of litigation as between the heirs of both families some 50 years later; the original letters patent was set aside by the French Council of State in 1703.)

§Instrument of Government (1653) (22 pp.) (Oliver Cromwell)
§February 24th, 1653: Charles La Tour marries d'Aulnay's widow.
§December 3rd, 1653: Nicholas Denys granted seigneury being all lands between Cape Canso and Cape Rosier and thus becomes "Lord Proprietor and Governor of Cape Breton."
§Philippe Muis-d'Entremount granted seigneury being at Pobomcoup.
§1653: Emmanuel Le Borgne, a creditor of the d'Auley estate, arrives in Acadia.
§Le Borgne attacks Deny's fort at St. Peter's.

Backward In Time (1648-50)]
[Forward In Time (1654-56)]


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[The Lion & The Lily -- Book 1 (1500-1763)]
[Settlement, Revolution & War -- Book 2 (1760-1815)]
[The Road To Being Canada -- Book 3 (1815-1867)]
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Peter Landry
2012 (2020)