History of Nova Scotia

Significant Historical Happenings By Year: 1657-59.

§No entries.

§Le Borgne's son together with fifty men,
occupy LaHave.
§The Englishman, Thomas Temple is during this period is in charge making his headquarters at Penobscot from there maintaining garrisons at Port Royal and at the St. John (actually it was at about this point that the La Tour fort at the mouth of the St. John River was abandoned in favour of a new fort at Jemseg fifty miles, or so up the St. John River, a better place at which to trade with the Indians.
§The population of Acadia, 1658, consists primarily of only a small number at Port Royal; no more than 250.

§Laurent Granger (b.1637), from Plymouth England arrives at Port Royal and marries Marie Landry, the daughter of René and Perrine Landry around 1666.
§1659: Temple builds a fortified trading post at Jemseg.

Backward In Time (1654-56)]
[Forward In Time (1660-62)]


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[The Lion & The Lily -- Book 1 (1500-1763)]
[Settlement, Revolution & War -- Book 2 (1760-1815)]
[The Road To Being Canada -- Book 3 (1815-1867)]
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Peter Landry
2012 (2020)