Blupete's History of Nova Scotia

Significant Historical Happenings By Year: 1718-20.

§New Orleans founded.
§November, 1718: Edward Teach or Thatch, "Blackbeard," is caught by two sloops outfitted by Virginia and manned by the Royal Navy. Blackbeard is immediately shot and 15 of his ragged pirates are hung from the yard arms of the pirate ship, Queen Ann's Revenge. It is said that the Governor of North Carolina was very sympathetic to "Blackbeard."

§February 26th, 1719:
Philipps, who by this time had been appointed the new, English Governor of Nova Scotia, was at Boston; but by April 28th we see where he was writing letters from Annapolis Royal.
§March 17th, 1719: The French contractor, Isabeau signs an agreement with the crown to build the King's Bastion and Chateau Saint-Louis. (Louisbourg)
§September 4th, 1719: Michael Du Pont de Renon, a French officer, died at Port Dauphin (Englishtown).

Mascarene, in 1720, has a second daughter born to him, Joanna.
§March, 1720; The deputies of Mines were summoned to Annapolis Royal to explain what went on, in respect to the plundering of Mr. Alden's sloop; but they did not come, rather a letter was surreptitiously dropped off explaining it was the Indians that committed the act.
§April, 1720: Both Philipps and Mascarene come up from Boston, having wintered there, to take over their duties at Annapolis Royal.
§6 May, 1720 (NS): Governor Philipps establishes His Majesty's Council of Nova Scotia with Captain John Doucett as its president. The Council was to consist of ten members, including Major Armstrong and Major Mascarene.
§May, 1720: The English require that the French inhabitants along the Annapolis River pick from among themselves six persons to act as deputies, "whose duties it should be to promulgate the orders and proclamations of the government, and to see that their directions were carried into execution."
§La Ronde is relieved of his post as the commander at Port Toulouse (St. Peters) and sent over to Ile St. Jean [P.E.I] to set up it fortifications.
§August, 1720: Fishermen from New England are plundered by the Indians at Canso.
§September 6, 1720: The formation of the Mississippi Joint Stock Company. There then follows "crazed speculation" in the streets of Paris for a period of five years, when, after that, the whole fantastic scheme came tumbling down.
§September 28th, 1720: Couagne marries at Louisbourg.
§September 8th, 1721: The Board of Trade finishes its report, a "survey of the location, trade, and structure of government" of each of the colonies from Nova Scotia to South Carolina, "a catalogue of the resources which those colonies could muster against the french."
§November, 1720; Armstrong is sent to Canso to establish a military presence. At one point he sails up to Louisbourg to negotiate with St Ovide for "the return of property seized by Indians from the New England fisherman at Canso."
§December 1st, 1720: Armstrong is commissioned a lieutenant-colonel.
§Father Pierre Charlevoix, the expert on the ancient boundaries of Acadia, is given a new governmental task of determining where the western boundaries of North America might be. He starts from France on July 1st, 1720 and arrives back at France December 26th, 1722: calling upon, en route, at Quebec (September), at Milchilimackinac (June, 1722), at mouth of the Missouri (October), New Orleans (January, 1723, finding there "a hundred or so shacks"), and, finally, being delayed by a ship wreak, Hispaniola (September).

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[Forward In Time (1721-23)]


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Peter Landry
2012 (2020)