Blupete's History of Nova Scotia

Key Events in the History of Nova Scotia: 1828.

§January: Wellington comes to be the British Prime Minister.
§January 3rd, First Issue of the Novascotian under Howe's editorship.
§April 1st, lighthouse at Maugher's Beach first lit.
§In London an exhibition specifically devoted to machinery is held. "The export of machinery except under license was forbidden until 1843 ..."
§July, 1828: Kempt returned from a visit to Canada.
§August, 1828: Having been appointed the Governor-General, Kempt sails for Quebec.
§November 28th, Maitland sworn in as Lieutenant Governor.
§After a new style election campaign, General Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) became the President of the United States; his clear popular mandate ends "the old indirect, oligarchical system forever."
§The first hockey game (an outgrowth of a game called hoquet) was played on the Dartmouth Lakes.
§"A stage coach commences to run between Halifax and Annapolis, three times a week."
§"'In the course of the present year,' the town's magistrates noted in 1828, 'upwards of 2,100 persons have come into this district [Cape Breton] from the western part of Scotland many of whom, on their landing, were quite destitute of food and also of the means of procuring it.' Sydney was again thought to be at risk from smallpox. And 'great numbers' of newly disembarked Highlanders had been reduced to 'begging from door to door.'"
§In 1828, at Halifax, there are 14,439 inhabitants and 1,580 houses.
§The present day Citadel, the fourth fortification since Halifax's founding in 1749, on a hill in the middle of Halifax, first began to take shape in 1828.
§In 1828, A college was opened, University of London. "Religious opposition, and the jealousy of Oxford, Cambridge, and the medical associations, delayed the grant of power to give degrees."
§The Establishment of Horton Academy at Wolfville. In 1838 it became a college; in 1840 it became known as Acadia University.
§In England, the Test and Corporation Acts were repealed.
§An Act was passed for "the protection of Fish and Timber Gates" at Barrington River.
§An Act was passed in Nova Scotia for the licensing of medical doctors, so to "exclude ignorant and unskillful persons from the practice of Physic and Surgery."

[Backward In Time (1827)]
[Forward In Time (1829)]

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[The Lion & The Lily -- Book 1 (1500-1763)]
[Settlement, Revolution & War -- Book 2 (1760-1815)]
[The Road To Being Canada -- Book 3 (1815-1867)]
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Peter Landry
2012 (2020)