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The following links will bring you outside of "Blupete's Website" -- So,
Now is a good time, so that you might readily return to Blupete, to book mark "Blupete's Website".
- Vital Records Information
- Note that while the site deals with vital records information in the United States, it does have convenient list of links to other countries, including Canada.
- www.ancestry.ca
- Ile Madame List Serve
- www.familysearch.org
- This is the Mormon's site. You now have access to their massive data base that has been building since 1894.
- Lunenburg Co. Scotia GenWeb Project
- The ACADIAN Gen Web.
- This is a subset of the Canadian GenWeb Project.
- Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia.
- Pictou and Antigonish Counties
- A site brought to you by Morgan Robertson and dedicated to Pictou and Antigonish Counties in Nova Scotia. Her aim is to get ~all~ the cemeteries in Pictou indexed.
- www.findagrave.com
- Genealogically, this site is of no great importance, -- someday, maybe; but, go pay it a visit and check on your favourite famous person.
- The original census sheets have been photographed and can be zoomed in on. A wonderful facility. I cannot find similar presentations for the census of the following years: 1861, '71, '81 & '91.
- Census OnLine Links
- olivetreegenealogy.com
- Passenger Lists, Halifax in 1749.
- Here you will find lists of the ships and their passengers, arranged in alphabetical order by surname, for the ships that arrived in Halifax in 1749.
- www.theshipslist.com
- "TheShipsList website was first established in August 1999, to help those seeking the details of their ancestors' ships; passenger records; contemporary immigration reports; newspaper records; ship wreck information; ship pictures &c"
- Blinn (www.blupete.com)
- Landrys of Old Acadia
- blupete's contribution to the 'NET.
- Landrys of Cape Breton
- blupete's contribution to the 'NET.
- Wilkinsons on the Web
- From Ancestry to Archives: How Libraries Are Revolutionizing Family Tree Research
- Genealogical and Historical Societies in Nova Scotia
- Old Time Jobs or Old Occupation Names
- When checking the records, it may be that you have discovered that one of your ancestors is a "costermonger" -- Gosh! What do you suppose that is? These are the sites to go to, to figure that one out, and, many more labels of the old occupations.
- Nova Scotia Archives
- There is, of course, a great deal of genealogical and historical information stored at the Nova Scotia Archives. This is there site. They have only have made but just the barest of beginnings. Hopefully in time there will be more and more information put up on line. At present one might secure information on the Marriage bonds (1763-1871), Cape Breton land petitions (1787-1843), Appeal casebooks (1890-1947) and the Medical Examiner files for the City of Halifax and Town of Dartmouth (1895-1967).
- The Acadian Recorder
- "The Acadian Recorder was a weekly newspaper published out of Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada during the 1800's. From that newspaper I have taken information of interest to genealogists such as marriages, deaths, and ship news. In some cases there will also be additional information added, such as estate notices, property sales, advertisers lists and odd bits of interesting information." The records seem to encomapss the years 1817-21.

Links checked March, 2025