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Blupete's Genealogy Page

This jump off page will lead one into things genealogical; both, within this site and to other sites on the 'net.

My Acadian Connections > Being an Acadian means being related to most all other Acadians. Personally, in tracing my Acadian roots, I find that I have direct ancestors bearing surnames, such as: Benoist, Bernard, Blanchard, Boucher, Boudreau, Bourque, d'Entremont, Gaudet, Gautreau, Guilbault, Forrest, Hebert, LeBlanc, Melanson, Petitpass, and Terriot. In this page I have set forth a few notes on each of these early Acadian families.

Transport Ships of the Acadian Deportation (1755) > On October 27th, 1755, twenty-four transport vessels sailed from Minas Basin. They were under charter parties arranged by Governor Lawrence. Their cargo: approximately 4500 Acadians which had been forcefully placed aboard by English military, in situ. The captains of these vessels were charged to transport the French inhabitants in Nova Scotia and to deliver them to assigned ports located in the English colonies to the south. This page deals with these transport ships of the Acadian deportation.

Landrys of Old Acadia > Here are listed all the male Landrys who lived in Old Acadia during the hundred-year period, 1640-1740.

Landrys of Cape Breton > Here is a list of almost all of the Landrys, who, except for the original Acadian progenitors, were born in Cape Breton prior to 1900.

The Blinns Of Saint Mary's Bay

The Theriaults Of Saint Mary's Bay

Population Levels of Acadia: 1641-1749:

The Old Acadian Church: La Sainte-Famille (Piziquid): > In 1996, there was uncovered an old Acadian cemetery in Falmouth, a little village in Nova Scotia. The house builder was just finishing up with the back-hoe, when, there came to the surface, amongst the teeth of the hoe: bones, maybe human bones. The builder contacted the authorities and it was soon learned that the municipality had just re-discovered the pre-deportation cemetery belonging to La pariosse de La Sainte-Famille, its church having been built in 1722, and which weathered away beyond 1755 and into, well, almost: oblivion.


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    Peter Landry