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Books on Nova ScotiaG

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M Journals
& Ref.

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Ganong, William Francis:
  • Crucial Maps in the Early Cartography and Place-nomenclature of the Atlantis Coast of Canada (The Royal Society of Canada and the University of Toronto Press, 1964). § Introduction by Theodore E. Layng; § On the subject of early maps, also see: Dawson, DesBarres, Gilroy, and Volpi: and see a Catalogue of the Maps in the Collection of the Geographic Board, (Ottawa: January, 1949); and the Canadian (federal) Archives, Report, vol. II, "List of Maps at the Record Office," (Ottawa: 1922).
  • Champlain's Island (Ste. Croix) (New Brunswick Museum, 1945).

    Garneau, Fancois-Xavier (1809-66)): § See separate page on Garneau, a French Canadian author.
  • History of Canada; trs. by Andrew Bell; 2 Vols.; (Montreal: Lovell, 1862).

    Garrison, Webb
  • A Treasury of Titanic Tales (Nashville, Tenn; Rutledge Hill Press, 1998)

    Gaudet, Placide:§ Gaudet was born in 1850 with Tidiche, N.B. He studied at the college Saint-Joseph (1864-1873). He became, in turn, a teacher, a journalist and a généalogiste-historian, "devoting the major part of its life to the examination of parochial registers and official correspondences with an aim of reconstituting the genealogy of the principal acadian families." I good part of his work was carried our by Gaudet at a time he was employed with the Public Records Office at Ottawa. Anything I have come across on Gaudet has been part of the early 19th century publications (Reports) of the Canadian Archives.
  • See the Canadian (federal) Archives Report(FACAR); Genealogy and documents concerning the expulsion of the Acadians, with index, vol. II, (Ottawa: S.E. Dawson, 1906).

    Gazetteer Of Canada:
  • Geographical Names of Nova Scotia (Ottawa: Government of Canada, 1978). [Also see Brown's work, Place Names of the Province of Nova Scotia; and see Fergusson's work; and see Elizabeth Frame's work; and see Ganong's work on Gaspe, Blomidon, and Bras d'Or.]

    Gesner, Abraham (1797-1864): The Nova Scotian who invented kerosene.

    The Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia; (Halifax: MacKinlay, 1849).
  • Prophet of the Wilderness by Allison Mitcham; (Hantsport: Lancelot Press, 1995).
  • The Best of Abraham Gesner also by Mitcham; (Hantsport: Lancelot Press, 1995).

    Gibbon, John Murray
  • Scots in Canada (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1911) Foldout Map of Canada at back, 1932; coloured ills throughout, including the disembarkation of the Hector.

    Gillis, Jas. D.:
  • The Cape Breton Giant (MacAskill); (Halifax: Allen Print, nd).

    Gillis, Major R:
  • "Stray Leaves from Highland History"; 43 page pamphlet (Grand Mira; 1918). § Information on the original settlers of Grand Mira parish and those immigrants from the two highland districts of Morar and South Uist.

    Gilpin, John Bernard (1810-92):
  • Sable Island; (Halifax: Wesleyan Conference Steam Press, 1858). § A lecture delivered before the Athenaeum Society, February, 1858.

    Gilroy, Marion:
  • A Catalogue of Maps, Plans and Charts in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia; Bulletin Vol. I, No. 3 (Halifax: PANS, 1938); 95 pp. pamphlet. § On the subject of maps, see also: Dawson, DesBarres, Ganong, and Volpi: And see a Catalogue of the Maps in the Collection of the Geographic Board, (Ottawa: January, 1949); and the Canadian (federal) Archives, Report, vol. II, "List of Maps at the Record Office," (Ottawa: 1922).]
  • Loyalists and Land Settlement in Nova Scotia; Land Warrants, Grants and Escheats c.1784-1801; Publication No. 4 of the Geneological Committee (Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society; (Halifax: PANS, 1980).

    Girard, Philip & Jim Phillips (U. of Toronto):
  • Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Vol III - Nova Scotia (For The Osgoode Society by University of Toronto Press, 1990). § Justice in Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749; Superior Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-1900; Prisons and Punishments in Nova Scotia, before 1880; Divorce in N. S., 1750-1890 [Tipped into this book is 21 pp. art. out of the Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies, "The Chancery Court of Nova Scotia: Jurisdiction and Procedure 1751-1855." See, also, "'Securing Obedience to Necessary Laws': The Criminal Law in Eighteenth-Century Nova Scotia," NSHR, 12:2(1992). The 5th vol. in this series (Phillips, Loo, and Lewthwaite) was brought out by U. of T. in 1994.]

    Grant, Wm. Lawson
  • Tribune of Nova Scotia [Joseph Howe] (No.26 of the 32 book series, Chronicles of Canada under Wrong.)

    Greenough, John Joseph:
  • "The Halifax Citadel, 1825-601 as contained in Canadian Historic Sites, No. 17 (Ottawa: 1977)

    Griffiths, Naomi E. S.: § Griffiths earned her Doctorate from the University of London.
  • The Acadian Deportation: Deliberate Perfidy or Cruel Necessity? (Copp Clark, 1969).
  • The Acadians: Creation Of A People (McGraw-Hill, 1973). § Part of series brought out by University of Western Toronto.
  • The Contexts of Acadian History; 1686-1784 (McGill-Queen's University Press, 1993).

    Gwyn, Julian: § Gwyn was a professor of History at Ottawa.
  • The Enterprising Admiral: The Personal Fortune of Admiral Sir Peter Warren (Montreal: McGill-Queen's Press, 1974).

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    2011 (2023)

    Peter Landry
