
Books on Nova Scotia
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- Haliburton, Thomas Chandler (1796-1865):
§ From Nova Scotia, Haliburton was: a lawyer, politician, judge, and writer. He made for himself an international reputation through his fictional character, Sam Slick.
- History of Nova Scotia (1829)
(Halifax: Joseph Howe, 1829).
§ Engravings of Halifax (Province House among others), Louisbourg,
Shubenacadie Canal, St. Peters, Windsor, Annapolis, etc.; in 2 Vols; see also, reprint (Belleville: Mika, 1973).
- Sam Slick, The Clockmaker [1st(1836), 2nd(1838) & 3rd(1840) Series,
combined]; (Toronto: Musson, nd, Centenary Ed., therefore likely 1937).
§ See Clarke's article in NSHR#14:1(1994),
p. 13, "White Niggers, Black Slaves: Slavery, Race and Class in
T. C. Haliburton's The Cockmaker."
- The Bubbles of Canada (1839).
- Reply to the Report of the Earl of Durham (1839).
- The Letter Bag of the Great Western; or Life in a Steamer; (London: Richard Bentley, 1st Ed., 1840).
- The Attache; or Sam Slick in England (1st(1843) & 2nd(1844).
- The Old Judge, or Life in a Colony (1849); (London: Hurst and Blackett, c1860).
- Rule and Misrule of The English in America (1851); (New York: Harper, 1st Amer. Ed., 1851); also, (London: Colburne & Co., 1851).
- Traits of American Humour (1852).
- Sam Slick's Wise Saws and Modern Instances (1853).
- The Americans at Home (1854).
- Nature and Human Nature (1855).
- Address on the Condition, Resources and Prospects of British North America (1857).
- Speech on the Repeal of Duties on Foreign and Colonial Wood (1860).
- The Season-Ticket (1860).
- Sam Slick in Pictures; (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1956).
- Thomas Chandler Haliburton; by John Daniel Logan (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1956).
§ Contains an anthology with a Biography and Bibliography.
- Thomas Chandler Haliburton; by Herbert R. (Bill) Percy (1920- ); (Don Mills: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1980).
- The Letters of Thomas Chandler Haliburton; edited by
Richard A. Davies (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988).
§ Contains chronology of Haliburton's life.
- Haliburton: A Sketch and Bibliography; by A. H. O'Brien; (Montreal: Gazette Printing, 2nd ed., 300 copies printed, 1909).
- Thomas Chandler Haliburton: A Study in Provincial Toryism (1924) by V. L. O. Chittick (Chittick had been a Prof. at the University of Washington.)
- See "The Pervasiveness of Sam Slick" by V. L. O. Chittick; 14 pp., Dal. Review: Vol. 33
(1953), No. 2.
- See "Books and Music in Haliburton" also by Chittick; 15 pp., Dal. Review: Vol. 38 (1958), No. 2.
- See "The Many-Sided Haliburton" also by Chittick; 14 pp., Dal. Review: Vol. 41 (1961), No. 2.
- See "Mr. Justice Haliburton in England (1853-65)" by Richard A. Davies; 13 pp., Dal. Review: Vol. 59 (1979-80), No. 4. (Prof. Davies taught at Acadia; he did an earlier article, which I do not have, in Vol. 57, No. 4.).
- See also "White Niggers ... in T. C. Haliburton's The Clockmaker"; Nova Scotia Historical Review, Vol. 13, No. 1.
- See also "Haliburton Family Letters, 1789-1839"; Nova Scotia Historical Review, Vol. 13, No. 1.
- See "The Centenary of Haliburton's 'Nova Scotia'"; by MacMechan.
- See generally NSHR, Vol. 12, No. 1.
- Hallam, Lillian G.:
- When You are in Halifax; (Toronto: Church Book Room, 1937).
- Hannay, James (1842-1910):
§ I note from The Akins Collection of Books (PANS) that there was a "James Hannay" who distributed reports of the mid-19th century cases of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, I believe this to be our author. At any rate he is among the most readable of authors and his history is one that should go on your shelf. His connection with the law has given him a label of one of our most reliable historians; in his preface he says, "My aim has been to trace every statement to its original source, and to accept no fact from a printed book at second hand where it was possible to avoid doing so."
- The History of Acadia (1605-1763)
§ Preface; Ch I., Early Voyages to the Northern Parts of America; Ch II (p. 1) The Aborigines of Acadia; Ch (p. 29) ; Ch III (p. 59) Champlain's Discoveries, and the Island of Saint Croix; Ch IV. (p. 78) The Colony at Port Royal; Ch V (p. 90) Poutrincourt's Colony; Ch VI (p. 106), Sir William Alexander and the Latours ; Ch VII (p. 125), Isaac Razilly's Colony; Ch VIII (p. 140), Civil War in Acadia; Ch IX (p. 155), The Sieges and Capture of Fort La Tour; Ch X (p. 175), The Death of Charisay; Ch XI (p. 189), La Tour Returns to Acadia; Ch XII (p. 199), The English in Acadia; Ch XIII (p. 210), From Grand-Fontaine to Menneval; Ch XIV (p. Villebon on the St. John; Ch XV (p. 260), Capture of Port Royal; Ch XVI (p. 282), The Acadian People; Ch XVII (p. 307), The English at Annapolis; Ch XVIII (p. 329), The Capture of Louisbourg; Ch XIX (p. 344), The Capitulation at Grand Pre; Ch XX (p. 355), La Loutre and his Work; Ch XXI (p. 369), The Fall of Beauséjour; Ch XXII (p. 383), The Expulsion of the Acadians; Ch XXIII (p. 409), The Seven Years War; and Ch XXIV (p. 421), The Treaty of Paris. (St. John, N. B.: J. & A. McMillan, 1879).
- Nine years a captive, or, John Gyles' experience among the Malicite Indians, from 1689 to 1698
- Hannon, Leslie F.:
- Forts of Canada; (McClelland & Stewart, 1969).
- Harris, R. V.:
§ Harris was a lawyer, and, for a period of years, the
Prothonotary of the Supreme Court.
- Catalogue of Portraits of The Judges of the Supreme Court of
Nova Scotia and Other Portraits; (np,nd [likely 1929]); soft covered book
of 111 pp. Contains bibliographic notes on the old judges together with
portraits of many of them.
- The Oak Island Mystery (1958); (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 2nd ed., 1967).
- The Church of Saint Paul (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1949).
- King's Collegiate (1738-1938) Numerous b/w portraits (including judges) and photos (Middleton: 1938).
- Charles Inglis, Missionary, Loyalist, Bishop (Toronto: General Board of Religious Education, 1937).
- Hart, Harriet Cunningham (1835-1917):
- History of the County of Guysborough (1877).
- Hart, Gerald E.:
- Fall of New France: 1755-1760; (Montreal: W. Drysdale, 1888).
- Harvey, Daniel Cobb (1886-1966):
§ "Historian, Scholar, Teacher, President of the Nova
Scotia Historical Society 1936-39, 1948-51, and Archivist of the Province of Nova Scotia from 1931 until he retired in 1956." [NSHS., Vol. #34 (1963), p. 1 (portrait at
p. ii).] As it happens, I "managed" to purchase a few books
that came from Harvey's library.
- "Thomas D'Arcy McGee: The Prophet of Canadian Nationality,"
(University of Manitoba); a 30 p. pamphlet.
§ A popular lecture delivered at Emerson, October 4th, 1923.
- The French Regime in Prince Edward Island (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1926).
§ Written by Harvey while he was "Assistant Professor of History In University of Manitoba".
- "Dishing The Reformers (P.E.I)" (Ottawa: Vol. XXV: Series III, Section II: 1931: 37-44 pp.).
§ From the Transactions of the Royal Society.
- "Machias And the Invasion of Nova Scotia"; a 14 p. pamphlet with paper wrap.
§ Reprinted from the Annual Report of the Canadian Historical Association, 1932;
- "Nova Scotia and the Convention of 1818"; (Ottawa: Vol. XXVII: 3rd Series, Section II: 1933); 57-73 pp., a 16 p. pamphlet.
§ Extracted from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada.
- The Colonization of Canada; (Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, 1936).
- "Uniacke's Memorandum on Nova Scotia, 1806," a 17 p. pamphlet.
§ A reprinted article by Harvey originally found in The Canadian Historical Review (Mar., 1936); 41-58 pp.
- A Documentary Study of Early Educational Policy; Bulletin Vol. I, No. 1
(Halifax: PANS, 1937).
- "Nova Scotia'a Great Centenary"; Extracted from The Dalhousie Review, (vol.? date?); 344-53
pp. 459-67.
- "History and Its Uses in Pre-confederation Nova Scotia"; Extracted from The Canadian
Historical Association, 1938; 5-16 pp.
- "Nova Scotia and the Canadian Naval Tradition" Extracted from The Canadian Historical
Review (Sep., 1942); 247-59 pp.; a 13 p. pamphlet.
- "The Centenary of John McPherson"; Extracted from The Dalhousie Review, (October, 1945);
344-53 pp.
- "The Age of Faith in Nova Scotia"; From the Transactions of the Royal Society, (Ottawa: Vol.
XL: Series III: May, 1946); a 20 p. pamphlet.
- A Documentary Study of The Origin and Distribution of the
Arms Fund (1809-16); Bulletin Vol. II, No. 9 (Halifax: PANS, 1947); a 29 p. pamphlet.
§ Not to be confused with the Castine Fund, the Arms Fund was raise by taxing all the people for the benefit of the "Established Church and its College"; 6 pp. introduction by Harvey after which is set forth copies of the letters exchanged between Prevost, Castlereagh, Liverpool, et al;
- Holland's Description Cape Breton Island (Halifax: PANS, Publication, No. 2; 1935) as compiled and with introduction by D. C. Harvey.
- "Halifax 1749-1949"; A 31 p. glossy pamphlet (touristy); photos; a reprint from the Canadian
Geographical Society, (Ottawa: January, 1949).
- "A View of Halifax 1749-1949"; Extracted from The Proceedings of the Royal Society of
Canada, (Vol. XLIII: Series III; June, 1949); 71-87 pp.; a 16 p. pamphlet.
- "Nova Scotia Philanthropic Society"; Toasts; Extracted from The Dalhousie Review, (Vol.
XLIII: Series III; June, 1949); 287-95 pp.
- See The Heart of Howe by Harvey under Howe.
- See Historical Essays on the Atlantic Provinces; under Rawlyk for an essay of Harvey's, "The
Intellectual Awakening of Nova Scotia."
- Heine, William C.:
- Sir Provo Wallis: 96 Years in the Royal Navy (Hantsport, N.S.: Lancelot Press, 1987).
§ Shannon & Chesapeake.
- Herbin, John Frederic (1860-1923):
- History of Grand Pre.
- Heritage Trust:
- Seasoned Timbers; In two volumes, with the first volume dealing with historic buildings in Western Nova Scotia; the second volume, the South Shore; Ills. (Halifax: Heritage Trust, 2 vols., 1972 & 1974) (Reviewed in NSHQ#2:3, p. 315; and NSHQ#4:4, p. 412)
- Founded Upon a Rock; Historic Buildings Standing in Halifax in 1967; pamphlet put out by Heritage Trust, 1967
- Hill, Rev. Allan Massie:
- Some Chapters in the History of Digby (Halifax: McAlpine, 1901).
- Hill, Douglas (1935-2007)
- The Scots to Canada, One in a series, Great Emigrations; Ills. & maps (London: Gentry Books, 1972)
- Hill, Rev. G. W. (1824-1906):
§ See memorandum on Hill, NSHS, #14, p.106.
- Memoir of Sir Brenton Halliburton (Halifax: Bowes, 1864).
§ Halliburton (1775-1860) was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia (1833-60).
- Hind, Henry Youle (1823-1908)::
- An Early History of Windsor, Nova Scotia (1889)
(Hantsport: Lancelot Press, 1989).
- Hitsman, J. Mackay:
§ Dr. Hitsman (Ph.D., History), after having served for 6
years in the Canadian army, became a civilian archivist with the Army Historical Section in Ottawa.
- The Incredible War of 1812 (University of Toronto Press, 1973).
- Safeguarding Canada: 1763-1871; Fortifications at Halifax (University of Toronto Press, 1968).
- "The Assault Landing, 1758," by J. MacKay Hitsman and C. C. J. Bond, copy of that which
was published in The Canadian Historical Review, Vol. XXXV, no. 4, Dec., 1954;
together with "A Foredoomed Fortress," by the same authors, published in the Canadian
Army Journal, April, 1956.
- Holder, Jean M.:
- Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1749-1768: St. Paul's Church, Halifax, Nova Scotia; (Halifax: Genealogical Committee of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, Pub. # 7, 1983).
- Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1823-1828; Compiled by Holder; (Halifax: Genealogical Committee of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, No. three in a series, 1980).
- Same, 1835-1839; No. eight, 1984.
- Same, 1840-1843; No. ten, 1985.
- Same, 1844-1847; No. eleven, 1986.
- Same, 1848-1851; No. twelve, 1987.
- Same, 1852-1854; No. thirteen, 1988.
- See also compilations of the same nature done by Terrence Punch.
- Holland, Captain Samuel Johannnes (1728-1801):
- Holland's Description Cape Breton Island (Halifax: PANS, Publication, No. 2; 1935) as compiled and with introduction by D. C. Harvey. This work came about as a result of a commission dated March 23rd, 1764. Holland was, as newly acquired territories, to survey both Cape Breton Island and St. John (Prince Edward Island). In October of 1765, having finished with St. John, Holland arrived at Louisbourg where he wintered over. In the spring of 1766, Holland commenced his survey of Cape Breton. Although he sent a preliminary plan over to London in 1766, his work was not completed until 1767. He sent his completed report to London in November of 1768. Harvey in his introduction was to observe, that, Holland "sent five plans of Cape Breton, of which three were drawn on the scale of two miles to the inch, and two on the scale of four thousand feet. It is a matter of much regret that none of these five plans can be found to-day [1935]," though, the narrative did survive and is set forth in the listed work. The work sets out the letters exchanged between Holland to Pownall, Hillsborough, Halidimand through the years from 1765 to 1773. There, too, will be found his expense reports and a list of plans sent to Government prior to 1776.
I add as a footnote: "On April, 16, 1767, Mr. Howard, midshipman of His Majesty's armed ship Canceau, applied to the Lords of Trade for compensation for taking Captain Holland' Survey to England, 'having been at great expense in bringing the plans, etc.'" (As contained in a footnote to Richard Brown's A History of the Island of Cape Breton at p. 366.)
- Howard, W. H.:
- Glimpses in and About Halifax (np, 1900).
§ Old photos of Halifax.
- Howe, Joseph
§ Beloved figure in early Nova Scotian political history. See separate page on Howe.
- The Speeches and Public Letters of Joseph Howe; Joseph Andrew Chisholm,
Ed.; in 2 Vols., Vol. I - 1804-48, Vol. II - 1849-73; (Halifax: The Chronicle Publishing Co., 1909).
- The Heart of Howe: Selections from the Letters and Speeches of
Joseph Howe (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1939).
§ This is a sampler of Howe's thoughts on such topics as
Literature, Education, Responsible Government, and Attitudes towards
the U.S. and Upper Canada.
- My Dear Susan Ann: Letters of Joseph Howe to his
Wife - 1819-1836; M. G. Parks, ed.; (St John's, Nfld.: Jesperson Press, 1985).
- Poems & Essays; (Montreal: Lovell, 1874).
- Travel Sketches of Nova Scotia; (University of Toronto Press, 1973).
- Joseph Howe, Vol. I, Conservative Reformer, 1804-1848; by Beck;
(McGill-Queen's University Press, 1982).
- Joseph Howe, Vol. II, The Briton becomes Canadian, 1848-1873; by Beck;
(McGill-Queen's University Press, 1983).
- Life and Times of the Hon. Joseph Howe; by G. E. Fenety; (St. John, N. B., 1896).
- Joseph Howe of Nova Scotia; by Bruce Fergusson; (Windsor: Lancelot Press,
1973); pp. 132.
- Joseph Howe: A Study in Achievement an Frustration; by James A. Roy; (Toronto: Macmillan, 1935).
- A Pocketful of N.S. History Series, No. 1 - Joseph Howe (Halifax: Petheric Press, 1973).
§ A packet of facsimiles, including his signature, election poster
of 1851, copies of certain pages of The Novascotian
(January 3rd, 1828, Vol. I -No. I; July 21st, 1828, Western Rambles; February 4th, 1830, Eastern
Rambles; March 12th, 1835, his trial), a copy of a page from the The Halifax Reporter (June 2nd,
1873, his obituary), a portrait, a map showing where on Franklin St. Howe was born, notes, etc.
- The Tribune of Nova Scotia; by Wm. Lawson Grant; (Toronto: Glasgow.
- See also "Joe Howe: Faithful to the Nova Scotia Cause";
Nova Scotia Historical Review (NSHR), Vol.6,
- Howe, William (1729-1814):
- Sir Billy Howe; by Bellamy Partridge (1877-1960); William Howe, having an equal rank with Wolfe, served under Amherst at Louisbourg and under Wolfe at Quebec. He fought in the American Revolution and was responsible for the British successes at Bunker Hill (1775) and Brandywine Creek (1777). His career slipped, however, as he came to suffer from "lethargy"; he was replaced by Henry Clinton. (Chambers.) This work by Partridge does not seem to deal with his early life nor with his involvement in the Seven Years War, 1756-63 but with his involvement in the American Revolution; (Longmans, Green, 1932)
- Howell, Colin D.
- Ground Zero, A Reassessment of the 1917 Explosion in
Halifax Harbour (Halifax: Nimbus, 1994).
§ "This book was compiled from papers presented at the 1992
symposium on the 1917 explosion, sponsored by the Gorsebrook Research
Institute in Halifax." Numerous authors are represented.