
Books on Nova Scotia
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- Wallace, Frederick William (1886-1958): (See article on Wallace's life, "The Making of an Iron Man" by M. Brook Taylor; NSHS, Journal #4 (2001).)
- Blue Water, A Tale of the Deep Sea Fishermen; (Toronto: The Musson Book Co., n.d.).
- Wooden Ships and Iron Men (New York: Geo. Sully, 1928).
§ "The story of the square-rigged merchant marine of British North
America, the ships, their builders and owners, and the men who sailed them";
last half of the 19th cent., includes extensive accounts about Nova Scotia;
- Record of Canadian Shipping: A List of Square-Rigged Vessels, Mainly 500 tons and over, Built in the Eastern Provinces of British North America from the Year 1786 to 1920 (Toronto: The Musson Book Co., 1929).
§ "Illustrated with Photographs, Paintings and Drawings."
- Canadian Fisheries Manual: Thirty Years Progress in Canada's Fish Industry (1914-44).
§ "Numerous b.&w. photo ills. and many illustrated advertisements. Plans of a Nova Scotian deep-sea fishing schooner both of 1914 & 1944. Contains drawings and diagrams illustrating text. Has Index.
- Warburton, George (1816-57):
- Hochelaga (New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1846, 1st American ed.).
§ Contents: The Voyage, Newfoundland and the St. Lawrence, Quebec, Moose Hunting, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto, Niagara, Religion, Education, The Press, Manners, Politics, Defence; [vol II] Buffalo, Saratoga, Albany, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Boston, Democracy, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, The Islands, and Hudson's Bay.
- The Conquest of Canada (1534-1760) (London: Richard Bentley, 1849, 1st ed.).
§ "Several vignettes of army figures" and "a carefully researched account of Canadian Indians." (DCB.)
Warren, Sir Peter (1703-52):
§ Vice-Admiral in charge of the siege of Louisbourg, 1745.
- The Enterprising Admiral: The Personal Fortune of Admiral Sir Peter Warren by Julian Gwyn; (Montreal: McGill-Queen's Press, 1974).
- See The Royal Navy & North America; Julian Gwyn, Ed.
- Webster, John Clarence (b.1863):
§ Dr. Webster matriculated from Mount Allison, "a small country college," in 1878. In 1883, he took a ship for Edinburgh which was to become his headquarters for the next thirteen years, though he had a brief spell in Germany. During these years he became a medical doctor and was to specialize in gynecology and obstetrics. He taught at the universities and carried out research. In 1896, Webster returned to Canada to take a position with McGill at Montreal. In 1899, the year of his marriage, he took a position at the University of Chicago. He resigned this position in 1919 and left medicine, it seems, altogether, returning to his home at Shediac, there to turn to the study of history. In the process he was to amass a most impressive collection of books, prints, etc., all dealing with early Canada and in particular early Nova Scotia (a collection which he was to eventually give to the New Brunswick Museum). His second life as a historian was no less spectacular then that as a medical physician. Among other appointments, Dr. Webster was to become a Trustee of the Public Archives of Nova Scotia, a Member of the Historic and Monuments Board of Canada, and the Honourary Curator of Fort Beausejour Museum. Dr. Webster is someone I would love to have met; however, he was a man of another age. In addressing the National Conference on Education and Citizenship in 1926, Dr. Webster said: "Serious as may be the stagnation of trade, I am much more perturbed by the stagnation and decadence in cultural and educational standards and in the higher thought of the country, indeed, many of the economic ills are directly traceable to the latter conditions ... The inspiration, even the lessons of the past, have been forgotten by the majority, and we live only in the present, the richness of our great heritage utterly ignored as a motive force in our national life." (As quoted by Dr. Alfred Goldsworthy Bailey, Curator of the John Clarence Webster Collection, New Brunswick Museum in an address made in 1936.)
- Sir Brook Watson: Friend of the Loyalists, First Agent of New Brunswick in London; (Sackville N.B.: Mount Allison Univ.).
- History in a Government House (Shediac, N.B.: Privately printed, 1933). § A paper read before the N.S. Hist. Soc. on April 1st, 1926; Contains brief biographical notes on the early governors beginning with Demonts (French) through to Fanning (English).
- "Joseph Frederick Wallet Desbarres and The Atlantic Tribune," a reprint from the Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa, 1927.
- The Life of Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres (Privately printed, 1929).
- "Samuel Vetch: An Address by Dr. J. Clarence Webster"; Given on the occasion of the dedication of the monument to Vetch at Annapolis Royal, September 22nd, 1928; 23 pp. brochure privately printed, 1929.
- "Cornelis Steenwyck Dutch Governor of Acadie" (Privately printed, 1929).
- Journal of Abijah Willard (April 9th,1755, to January 9th, 1756); With introduction by Webster; Includes three folding, contemporary maps: (1.) Of the area at the Isthmus of Chiginecto; (2.) Also of the Isthmus of Chiginecto depicting a larger area than (1.), down to Truro; (3.) (Separated at the back) Depicting a larger area, yet, from the Isthmus to Hailax, including the Minas Basinm area with names of families (Landrys). No. (3.) Seems to be taken from a 1756 map lodged in the British Museum. Shown on (3.) are the trails leading out of Halifax to Minas Basin and between Minas Basin and Comberland Basin; so too, from Cobequid (Truro) to Tatmagouche. Also on (3.) are drawings of the contempory forts (Forts Cumberland & Gaspereau). (New Brunswick Society, No. 13; 11930). For a write up on Willard, see below, under Willard.
- The Career of the Abbe Le Loutre with his translated autobiography; (Shediac, N.B.: Privately printed, 1933).
- "The Forts of Chignecto"; numerous plates: including folding maps, diagrams of the forts, portraitures (Jonquiere, Cornwalis, Lery, Shirley, Monckton, Winslow, Pichon, Watson); Appended are excerpts from the journals of Lawrence, Monckton, Goreham, & Valliere; De Meulles' report on Chignecto, 1686; (Shediac, N.B.: Privately printed, ltd. ed., 400, 1930).
- Wolfe and the Artists: A Study of His Portraiture (Toronto: Ryerson Press, limited ed. 376/500, 1930).
§ A collection of Wolfe portraits.
- The Life of Joseph Frederick Wallet Desbarres (Shediac, N.B.: Privately printed, 1933).
- The Career of the Abbe Le Loutre with his translated autobiography (Shediac, N.B.: Privately printed, 1933).
- Acadia at the End of the Seventeenth Century: Letters Journals and Memoirs of Joseph Robineau de Villebon, Commandant in Acadia, 1690-1700 and Other Contemporary Documents (Saint John: Monographic Series No.I, The New Brunswick Museum, 1934).
§ Folding maps.
- The Siege of Beausejour in 1755: A Journal of the Attack on Beausejour written by Jacau De Fiedmont, Artillery Officer and Acting Engineer at the Fort (Saint John: Historical Studies No.1, Publications of the New Brunswick Museum, 1936).
§ Trs. Alice Webster, Edited by Webster.
- The John Clarence Webster Collection; An address by Dr. Alfred Goldsworthy Bailey, Curator of the John Clarence Webster Collection, New Brunswick Museum; (Saint John: Special Publication No. 1 of the New Brunswick Museum, 1936).
- Journals of Beausejour: Diary of John Thomas (Apr. 1755 to Dec 1755) and Journal of Louis de Courville (1755), edited by Webster (Halifax: PANS, Spec. pub., 1937).
- The Life of Thomas Pichon, "The Spy of Beausejour" (Halifax: PANS, Spec. pub., 1937).
- The Building of Fort Lawrence in Chignecto (Saint John: Historical Studies No. 2, Publications of the New Brunswick Museum, 1941).
- Memorial on Behalf of Sieur de Boishebert (Saint John: Historical Studies No. 4, Publications of the New Brunswick Museum, 1942).
§ Boishebert, like his more famous boss, Intendant Bigot, were prosecuted back in France for crimes after the loss to France of North America in 1763. Boishebert was generally in charge of the troops in Acadia and as history discloses made a valiant stand against a far greater number of English troops under the command of Monckton. This work is a reproduction of a submission made by Boishebert's attorney "in defence of M. De Boishebert at his trial in Paris in 1763 for alleged misdemeanors during his military career in Acadia." Trs. Miss Louise Manny; Edited with introduction by Webster.
- Those Crowded Years; Auto-biographical; Contains a list of Dr. Webster's publications, which in fact I now have, mostly; (Shediac, N.B.: Privately printed, 1944).
- The Catalogue of the John Clarence Webster Canadian Collection; In three vols.; (Saint John: catalogues No. 1, 2 & 3, New Brunswick Museum, 1939, 1946 & 1949).
- The John Clarence Webster Collection (Saint John: Special Publication No. 1 of the New Brunswick Museum, 1936).
§ An address by Dr. Alfred Goldsworthy Bailey, Curator of the John Clarence Webster Collection, New Brunswick Museum.
- Webster did work on both Jeffrey and William Amhert - see under Amherst
- See articles by Webster in The Dalhousie Review: "The classics of Acadia," Vol. 9; "Joseph Frederick Wallis Desbarres and the Atlantic Neptune," Vol. 21; and, "The rise and fall of Louisbourg," Vol. 7.
Wentworth, Sir John (1737-1820):
- See The Loyalist Governor; by
- White, Captain Gideon (1752-1833):
§ Coming as a loyalist to Shelburne in 1784, White, a merchant and
farmer, was active in public life in both the Town of Shelburne and the
- A Calendar of the White Collection of Manuscripts in the
Public Archives of Nova Scotia (Halifax: PANS, Pub. #5, 1940).
§ This is a valuable collection for those who wish to gain
additional insight into that period between the American Revolution and
- Whitehead, Ruth:
- The Micmac Ethnology ... (Halifax: Nova Scotia Museum, Curatorial Report No. 25, 1974).
§ A 58 pp. spiral ring binder which lists topics such as: post-contact dress, ornamentation, dyeing, crafts, tools, weapons,
shelter (wigwam), canoe, snowshoes, toboggans, games, dance, smoking, toys, etc.
- Letters from Nova Scotia (Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1986).
§ This book, edited by Whitelaw, contains extracts from letters sent home by travellers who visited Nova Scotia between 1749 and 1856, most are from those letters written by William Scarth Moorsom who was with the British army and served as deputy quartermaster-general at Halifax in the 1820s.
- Six Micmac Stories; (Halifax: 1989); a 51 pp. pamphlet.
- The Shelburne Black Loyalists: A Short Biography of All Blacks Emigrating to Shelburne County after the American revolution 1783 (Nova Scotia Museum, Dept. Tourism and Culture, 2000).
§ Listing of the names with biographical information.
- Whyte, Donald:
- A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to Canada Before Confederation (Ontario Genealogical Society, 1986).
- Willard, Abijah (1724-1789):
§ In 1755, Monckton, operating at the isthmus was to send two independent detachments overland from Chignecto. The one, consisting of 150 men under Captain Thomas Lewis; and the other, of 100 men under Abijah Willard. We know little of Captain Lewis' of activities, but because Willard kept a journal, we know more. Willard and his 100 men left Fort Cumberland on August the 6th. They had two French guides with them. Their route to Cobequid first started by going up the Maccan River. Heading due south and after a three day trip the men popped out on the shores of the Minas Basin, at a place which we now know as Moose River. On Sunday, August 10th, they came to the French village Portapique, where stands today an English village of the same name. They carried on through, "east about seven miles to the house of an old Frenchman, where the whole party was lodged and kindly supplied with milk and butter." By the next day, August 11th, they had made it to the parish church at Cobequid. At this church they were to meet one of the officers who was with the Lewis detachment. (Lewis' larger force had left Fort Cumberland a day before Willard's and apparently had taken the clockwise route -- along the shores of the Northumberland Strait to Tatamagouche and then overland to Cobequid.) After resting awhile, during which time "the French brought in good beef and mutton," Lewis' group then made their way over the Cobequid range by going up the Chiganois (or possibly the North River) and then to take the French River down to Tatamagouche. On route they were to meet Captain Lewis, who, apparently had just been at Tatamagouche. At the meeting Lewis was to hand Willard "sealed orders" at which Willard expressed much surprise. He was commanded "to proceed and burn all the French houses on the way to Tatamagouche and on the Northumberland." The two, Lewis and Willard then proceeded to carry out their orders with some efficiency. It seems these orders for destroying French property did not extend to the villages at and around Cobequid. After doing their nasty business at the villages along the Northumberland (including Tatamagouche) they determined to cross the Cobequids and pay a visit to Cobequid (the Truro of these days) so that they might put the leading men under arrest and take them back to Fort Cumberland at the isthmus. Their travels carried them to the eastern bank of the Shubenacadie River. Here, in this area, they came upon "several hamlets of French families" where Willard was to find "the finest of French farms" and "large orchards of apples." The English, acting under orders to bring in "only the deputies," proceeded to their houses, the location of which were presumably well known. Willard was "kindly treated" at each of these homes. The Cobequid villages along the Minas Basin were not touched, for fear that any such act would serve to tip the Acadians of the English plans before their forces were fully in place at Piziquid and Grand Pré. The New Englanders then made their way back to the north shore of the basin and proceeded west and then cut north so to pick up the headwaters of the Maccan River. They arrived back at Fort Cumberland, traveling in different groups, on August the 25th and the 26th. (See The History of Nova Scotia, Book #1: Acadia, Part 6, "The Taking of Beauséjour & The Deportation of the Acadians.")
- Journal of Abijah Willard (April 9th,1755, to January 9th, 1756); With introduction by Webster who gives forth with a short biographical sketch of Willard in his intro. Includes two maps: the one contemporary showing the area between the isthmus and Truro (not of any great value); the other however (more valuable) seems to be taken from a 1756 map lodged in the British Museum depicting the mid part of peninsular Nova Scotia from the isthmus down through to Halifax, the routes and family French family communities; Also to the side of the second map, a bird's eye view of Fort Gaspereax and of Fort Cumberland (Beauséjour); Reprint from the collections of the New Brunswick Society, No. 13.
- Willis, Nathaniel Parker (1806-67):
§ Willis was born in Portland, Maine.
- Canadian Scenery (London: Geo. Virtue, 2 vols., 1842).
§ This work's principal value is the 120 Steel Engravings by Wm.
Henry Bartlett which may be found within. Unfortunately, not too many copies
of this book survive as art sellers are wont to cut them up for their prints.
- Willson, Beckles:
- Canada; Romance of Empire Series, ed. John Lang by Beckles Willson;
(London: Caxton, nd).
- Willson, Beckles: Apparantly lived at Windsor, N. S.
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- See article written by Willson, "Wolfe's Men and Nova Scotia"; NSHS, Vol #18 (1914).
- Wilson, Isaiah W.:
- A Geography and History of the County of Digby; (Halifax: Holloway Bros.,
- Winsor, Justin (1831-97):
§ Winsor was the librarian of Harvard University.
- Memorial History of Boston (Boston: James R. Osgood & Co., 1882).
- Narrative and Critical History of America (London: Sampson Low, 1889).
Wolfe, James (1727-1759):
- Life of General James Wolfe (1760); John Pringle's early work (Pringle was medical doctor who served in the British military and was both at Dettington and Culloden, battles at in which, of course, Wolfe participated); Reprint (Montreal: Grant Woolmer Books, 1974, ltd. ed. 81/250).
- The Life of Major-General James Wolfe; by Robert Wright; (London:
Chapman & Hall, 1864).
- The Life and Letters of James Wolfe; by Beckles Willson; "With many ills. & plans"; (London: Heinemann, 1909).
- Wolfe; by A. G. Bradley; (London: MacMillan, 1923).
- James Wolfe Man and Soldier; by W. T. Waugh (Prof. of History, McGill); limited edition of 750; (Montreal: Louis Carrier, 1927).
- Wolf and Montcalm by H.R. Casgrain (1831-1904) (University of Toronto Press, 1964).
- Wolfe and the Artists: A Study of His Portraiture; by J. Clarence Webster; A collection of Wolfe portraits; (Toronto: Ryerson Press, limited ed. of 500, 1930).
- Wood, William:
- The Great Fortress: A Chronicle of Louisbourg 1720-1760; Plates: Wolfe, Map, Pepperrell, & Boscawen; (Toronto: Glasgow, Brook, 1915).
- See 32 volume series Chronicles of Canada under Wrong (Ed.) for Wood's works: The Great Fortress [Louisbourg] (#8), The Passing of New France (#10), The Winning of Canada (#11), The War With The United States (#14), & All Afloat (#31).
- Wright, Esther Clark:
- Planters and Pioneers, Nova Scotia, 1749 to 1775; Extensive listing of the early English settlers of the Annapolis Valley, giving names how they arrived, etc. (Hantsport: Lancelot Press, 1982) (first printed in 1978).
- Wright, H. Millard:
- The Other Halifax Exploion; Bedford Magazine Ills.; no publication info., no proper pagination?
- Wrong, George M.:
§ Wrong was a professor at the University of Toronto.
- Louisbourg in 1745: The Anonymous Lettre D'un Habitant de
Louisbourg (New York: New Amsterdam Book Company, 1897).
§ This is a reprint of a report prepared by an anonymous Frenchman
who was at Louisbourg at the time of Louisbourg's capture in 1745. The work
was originally published in 1745 at Quebec (likely France in
- The Chronicles of Canada is a 32 volume series on the history of Canada edited by Wrong and H. H. Langton; Throughout these volumes will be found maps (Bartholomew of Edinburgh), portraits and coloured prints of C. W. Jefferys & Robert Harris; (Toronto: Glasgow, Brook & Co., 1914-6).
Consists of the following:
- #1 The Dawn of Canadian History by Stephen Leacock; pp. 112;
- #2 The Mariner of St Malo [Cartier] by Stephen Leacock; pp. 125;
- #3 The Founder of New France [Champlain] by Charles W. Colby; pp. 158;
- #4 The Jesuit Missions by Thomas Guthrie Marquis; pp. 152;
- #5 The Seigneurs of Old Canada [Richelieu] by Wm. Bennett Munro; pp. 155;
- #6 The Great Intendant [Jean Talon, Colbert, Laval] by Thomas Chapais; pp. 139;
- #7 The Fighting Governor [Frontenac, D'Iberville] by Charles W Colby; pp. 167;
- #8 The Great Fortress [Louisbourg] by Wm. Wood; pp. 144;
- #9 The Acadian Exiles by Arthur G. Doughty (Dominion Archivist); pp. 178;
- #10 The Passing of New France [Montcalm] by Wm. Wood; pp. 149;
- #11 The Winning of Canada [Wolfe at Louisbourg and at Quebec] by Wm. Wood; pp. 152;
- #12 The Father of British Canada [Carleton, Murray, Montgomery, Arnold] by Wm. Wood; pp. 239;
- #13 The United Empire Loyalists by W. Stewart Wallace; pp. 148;
- #14 The War With The United States [Prevost, the 'Shannon' & the 'Chesapeake'] by Wm. Wood; pp. 183;
- #15 The War Chief of the Ottawas [Pontiac, Rogers' Rangers] by Thomas Guthrie Marquis; pp. 145;
- #16 The War Chief of the Six Nations [Joseph Brant, Wm. Johnson, Guy Johnson] by Louis Aubrey Wood; pp. 147;
- #17 Tecumseh by Ethel T. Raymond; pp. 159;
- #18 The 'Adventurers of England' on Hudson Bay [beginning with Henry Hudson] by Agnes C. Laut; pp. 133;
- #19 The Pathfinders of The Great Plains [La Vérendrye] by Laurence J. Burpee; pp. 116;
- #20 Adventures of The Far North [Hearne, MacKenzie, Franklin] by Stephen Leacock; pp. 152;
- #21 The Red River Colony [Selkirk, Joseph Frobisher, Simon M'Tavish, Wm. M'Gillivray] by Louis Aubrey Wood; pp. 152;
- #22 The Pioneers of The Pacific Coast [Bering, Cook, Vancouver, Thompson, Fraser] by Agnes C. Laut; pp. 139;
- #23 The Cariboo Trail [Gold-fields of British Columbia] by Agnes C. Laut; pp. 115;
- #24 The Family Compact [Peregrine Maitland, Wm. Lyon Mackenzie] by W. Stewart Wallace; pp. 172;
- #25 The 'Patriotes' of '37 [Papineau] by Alfred D. Decelles; pp. 140;
- #26 The Tribune of Nova Scotia [Joseph Howe] by Wm. Lawson Grant; pp. 163;
- #27 The Winning of Popular Government [Durham, The Union of 1841] by Archibald MacMechan (of Dalhousie); pp. 172;
- #28 The Fathers of Confederation by A. H. U. Colquhoun; pp. 200;
- #29 The Day Of Sir John Macdonald by Sir Joseph Pope; pp. 195;
- #30 The Day Of Sir Wilfrid Laurier by Oscar D. Skelton; pp. 340;
- #31 All Afloat [Canoes, Sailing Craft, Steamers, Fisheries & Navies] by Wm. Wood; pp. 199;
- #32 The Railway Builders by Oscar D. Skelton; pp. 254.